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Hi Team,

Currently i am working with an android it possible for me to customize osm map privately only for my application.I dont want to save in the osm server.Please please help me

Thanks in advance Mary

asked 08 Jan '15, 10:36

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Mary Mathew
accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Jan '15, 11:34

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aseerel4c26 ♦


Do you really want to use an .osm file? Why?

What does "customize osm map" mean for you?

What does "private" mean? Do you not want that anybody sees your modifications are are your modifications just not suitable for the general OSM database?

(08 Jan '15, 11:46) aseerel4c26 ♦

sir, Actually i want to add additional information to a particular place in the map.This information comes from my private,my first problem is the place which i need to popup the information is no well defined in osm map.So i need to first customize that place .but this updation should not be public, ie, i dont want to customize the map in the general OSM i though i should export the .osm file and integrate with my app. plesee pleasee provide me a suggestion sir

(08 Jan '15, 12:02) Mary Mathew

Do you really need to provide raw map data or is it enough to display a few markers, optionally with popups?

(08 Jan '15, 12:17) scai ♦

sir, i need to provide raw map data from my server and need to popup when i click on a particular place in osm first problem is this place is not marked in map,.So i need to first customize that place .but this updation should not be publically added to the OSM database

(08 Jan '15, 12:26) Mary Mathew

Unfortunately, you're going to need to provide more information about what you're actually doing, I think. You say that you're developing an Android application, but don't say whether you're doing that in Android Java, Cordova, Xamarin or something else. You don't say whether the app is using OSM or your own tiles or is rendering on the fly. You don't say whether it should work online or offline. You don't say if you're using any of the common frameworks (like osmdroid).

(08 Jan '15, 12:44) SomeoneElse ♦

there have been many questions (and answers) about the same topics before. Please click the tags below your question (you may want to sort the lists for "most voted) or use the search.

If you cannot find an answer, please tell us what makes your question different from others. What are the specifics?

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answered 08 Jan '15, 11:37

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 08 Jan '15, 11:38

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question asked: 08 Jan '15, 10:36

question was seen: 4,135 times

last updated: 08 Jan '15, 12:44

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