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I downloaded a map of Central America to my 260 Nuvi (to the device, not the card, but I tried the card too with the same results). I go to settings and the map shows up, and has a check next to it. The Garmin guys said I can put the device in GPS simulator mode and enter an South American Address to see it working, but if I get nothing but North American options. If I disable the North America map, I get no results at all. Even when entering a single letter into the "Where to", it says no results found.

It appears the map is there, but the device isn't reading it.

Any ideas? I'm leaving in two days to Costa Rica so hopefully someone can answer quickly.

asked 23 Mar '11, 13:03

Hotzmonster's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

is it openstreetmap you are tiring to install? also check "osm on garmin" to see if our map is installable on your device

(23 Mar '11, 14:38) andy mackey

Just checking - under "tools / settings / map / map info" do you see two maps listed or just one? On my Nuvi 265w I can see two maps:

(tickbox) family name [1] OSM street map (tickbox) CN Europe NT 2010.10 [1] ALL

(I installed to the "Garmin" directory of the microsd card, by the way)

One more thing - where did you get the map from that you installed?

(23 Mar '11, 15:40) SomeoneElse ♦

Can you navigate on the screen to the place and see if there is map data? The address lookup is not yet working on Garmin maps if I recall right, so it is normal that the address is not found.

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answered 23 Mar '11, 18:36

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

I found the map, and seems to be working, but it says "fix address", which would make sense given the recent reply that address lookup isn't working yet. I need address lookup, so I think I'm going to be stuck buying a map for the trip unless you have another suggestion. Thanks

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answered 24 Mar '11, 14:02

Hotzmonster's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Ah yes - "Fix My Address".

What this means (at least when I see it) is that the addr:street of a POI hasn't been set. It's possible to tell mkgmap (the software used to create this map) to infer the "addr:city" by passing a flag such as "--location-autofill=3" (see the mkgmap documentation for what values are supported and what they actually do).

Garmin eTrex devices show the POI name and city when you're searching; Nuvis show name and street (at least mine do). This does mean that the POI list on a Nuvi can be unhelpful. I'm not aware of a way to get mkgmap to infer street as well as city (although getting it to display city when street is unavailable in place of "Fix My Address" would be about 3 lines of Java).

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answered 24 Mar '11, 14:14

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 23 Mar '11, 13:03

question was seen: 9,986 times

last updated: 24 Mar '11, 14:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum