Hello there, I just started a few days ago contributing to the maps and have tried to familiarize myself with the features and tags and their best practices. I could not find anything for reverse vending machines where you can insert bottles and (sometimes) cans in order to get a refund coupon that you can then turn into cash in the associated supermarket. A dedicated tag like this would be like ATM tags for banks, indicating the presence and perhaps number of these machines. Regards, L. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question" by Richlv 30 Jun '22, 12:30
A better place to discuss tagging such as this might be the tagging list: I hate being "that guy", but complaining a bit on a meta level: Having another place for tagging-discussions, besides the wiki with a comprehensive feature list and this place for Q&A/Help, just seems like a very bad idea. I understand that it might have grown historically. Anyway, maybe "Someone" (no pun intended) could carry the proposals discussed here into that... place? (And add the link here for transparency reasons.)
(06 Jan '15, 15:35)
I'd actually intended to add this as a comment to your "I would like to make a proposal" answer, not as an answer in its own right. "How do I tag a..." questions make perfect sense here, but the "one question, several answers, comments on each" format doesn't really lend itself to discussion. The wiki works best when it's descriptive rather than proscriptive, but it too doesn't lend itself as easily to discussion - it's much easier to completely lose track of things in a wiki talk page than a mailing list thread.
(06 Jan '15, 15:46)
SomeoneElse ♦
I moved this comment as reply. This help site has never been intended for discussions. The good answer to this question is "no, we don't have currently a tag for this. Go into the usual place to discuss about creating or enhancing one tag". About wiki talk page or mailinglist, it is just historical reasons and that most of the people involved in discussion prefer the list. It takes 2 minutes to subscribe to the ML and post your question. If you want, I can do it for you but it would be better if you do it yourself, then you can participate.
(06 Jan '15, 16:29)
I have added a feature proposal with request for comments here: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2015-January/020889.html
(11 Jan '15, 02:39)
Hi, in my opinion this should be (for a single vending machine) amenity=recycling Regards, Stefan aka nordie69 1
In this case, how would you specify what kind of "things" you can get refund for? Some machines do not accept boxes of bottles, others do. Same goes for glass bottles or (soda) cans.
(05 Jan '15, 22:54)
Or amenity=recycling recycling_type=refund_machine refund_type=glass_bottles or refund_type=plastic_bottles aso,
(06 Jan '15, 00:03)
For the materials it accepts, you would use the same tags as for other types of recycling drop-offs.
(06 Jan '15, 00:35)
For me this (amenity=recycling) feels not to be the 100 % right™ tagging (I guess others might feel the same since there are no upvotes yet, despite the question and comments got upvotes). But yet not a better one came to my mind. Also it does not mention that you get money (deposit back).
(06 Jan '15, 12:10)
aseerel4c26 ♦
A similar earlier question at https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/51408/is-there-a-better-way-to-tag-a-bottle-return .