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I have installed openstreetmap postgis database using .osm file for Scotland using osm2pgsql.

I have also imported a set of polygons of parliamentary constituencies in Scotland called 'area10'

I want to find out how much cycle path distance is within each constituency.

If I run this query:

SELECT, sum(ST_Length(r.way))/1000 as roads_km FROM planet_osm_line r, area10 m WHERE ST_Contains(m.way,r.way) AND r.highway = 'cycleway' OR r.highway = 'path' AND bicycle = 'yes' GROUP BY

The query runs indefinitely or at least for 45mins or so until my computer overheats but that is another issue...

If I run this query (without 'OR' operator):

SELECT, sum(ST_Length(r.way))/1000 as roads_km FROM planet_osm_line r, area10 m WHERE ST_Contains(m.way,r.way) AND r.highway in ('cycleway','path') GROUP BY

This returns within about 30 seconds:

`name | roads_km

  • Mid Fife and Glenrothes P Const | 87.17134
  • Glasgow Provan P Const | 19.11762
  • Eastwood P Const | 19.97493`


Question: So why does using the OR operator in the WHERE clause greatly increase the time of the query? I really need to use the OR operator as there are lots of different highway= tags which I would like to include:

OR highway = 'path' AND bicycle = 'designated' OR highway = 'footway' AND bicycle = 'designated' OR highway='footway' AND bicycle = 'yes'


I have also tried a similar query using the h-store tag values with the same issue.

Any help very much appreciated. Thank you.

asked 03 Jan '15, 10:44

Hawkeye's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Jan '15, 11:59

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You have your parentheses wrong. Try

WHERE ST_Contains(m.way,r.way) AND 
   (r.highway = 'cycleway' OR (r.highway = 'path' AND bicycle = 'yes'))

Also, you might want to do something like


to actually get the length in metres instead of Google Mercator units which are not exactly metres.

permanent link

answered 03 Jan '15, 10:58

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Thank you! It's working:

SELECT, sum(ST_Length(ST_Transform(r.way,4326)::geography))/1000 as roads_km FROM planet_osm_line r, area10 m WHERE ST_Contains(m.way,r.way) AND (r.highway = 'cycleway' OR (r.highway = 'path' AND bicycle = 'yes')) GROUP BY

(03 Jan '15, 11:47) Hawkeye

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question asked: 03 Jan '15, 10:44

question was seen: 4,771 times

last updated: 03 Jan '15, 11:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum