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I'm having trouble executing my query using the API.

Error: line 3: parse error: not well-formed (invalid token)

My query is the following:

<osm-script timeout="300">
  <id-query {{nominatimArea:Mexico}} into="area"/>
    <query type="node">
      <has-kv k="amenity" v="parking"/>
      <area-query from="area"/>
    <query type="way">
      <has-kv k="amenity" v="parking"/>
      <area-query from="area"/>
    <query type="relation">
      <has-kv k="amenity" v="parking"/>
      <area-query from="area"/>
  <print mode="body"/>
  <recurse type="down"/>
  <print mode="skeleton" order="quadtile"/>

Any suggestions?

asked 02 Jan '15, 13:42

turgus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

{{nominatimArea:Mexico}} is overpass turbo specific (=syntactic sugar). Overpass API (the database backend) has no idea about this, hence the error message you get.

Just paste your query into and click on Export. What you're probably looking for is the link behind "raw data directly from Overpass API".

Before sending your query to Overpass API, overpass turbo will automatically replace this by

<id-query type="area" ref="3600114686" into="area"/>

permanent link

answered 02 Jan '15, 14:25

mmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 02 Jan '15, 14:29

Doing that, the second line became: <id-query type="area" ref="3600114686" into="area"/>

Is there anyway I can find out the ref number somehow without overpass turbo doing all the work?

(02 Jan '15, 14:29) turgus

Yes, sure, something along those lines:

<query into="area" type="area"> <has-kv k="boundary" v="administrative"/> <has-kv k="ISO3166-1" v="MX"/> </query>

(02 Jan '15, 14:32) mmd

Thanks a ton!

(02 Jan '15, 14:33) turgus

overpass turbo link:

(02 Jan '15, 14:33) mmd

Sorry, one last question. Let's say I had:

<query into="area" type="area"> <has-kv k="boundary" v="administrative"/> <has-kv k="ISO3166-1" v="US"/> </query>

and wanted to get only the state Florida from US?

Edit: Nevermind, got it! Thanks again

(02 Jan '15, 14:36) turgus

Florida's relation ( is currently tagged as "ISO3166-2"= "US-FL", "admin_level"="4" and "boundary" = "administrative".

So I would probably use <has-kv k="ISO3166-2" v="US-FL"/> along with <has-kv k="boundary" v="administrative"/>

(02 Jan '15, 14:40) mmd
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question asked: 02 Jan '15, 13:42

question was seen: 3,905 times

last updated: 02 Jan '15, 14:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum