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I have added details to the map in an oilfield area. The company involved has asked me to remove it due to confidentiality. I have edited the map and erased everything, but it is still there, I believe until the map is complied again. Is there any way that I can have that process hurried up so that I can head off this issue before it becomes a legal problem? I really would like to have that data eliminated immediately, if possible.


Mike Giambra

asked 31 Dec '14, 19:34

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Mike Giambra
accept rate: 0%


When you say "still there", are you referring to the main map display on

(01 Jan '15, 12:35) Richard ♦

??? the mapping was done 11 months ago. So why it has become a problem now on the new years eve? Someone was not sober enough?

If unsuitable data was really used for that mapping, it can and will be redacted but:

The facility is clearly visible on bing aerials so there is nothing 'confidential' about that facility. Beside the name, ref and maxspeed tags everything else can be traced from the bing aerials again. And it definetly will be.

(01 Jan '15, 18:51) RM87

@RM87 probably because someone in the company noticed and didnt like it; it probably affects whether someone keeps their job or not, and I for one am in favour of helping folk in that circumstance.

(01 Jan '15, 19:40) SK53 ♦

Note that at this point (11 months after the fact) it's probably too late. The data has been in the OSM database for 11 months. Anyone can download database dumps, and loads of projects and people do this and process them, integrate them somewhere else or offer them for download. The data has probably been copied to so many places that you'll never get rid of it.

(05 Jan '15, 16:22) sleske

You need to formally report this to the Data Working Group, and provide evidence that the data you added was made available to you under a licence or contract which precluded adding it to OpenStreetMap. At this point they can formally redact the data (not just delete it).

I would also suggest using private means of communication: posting here will just pique people's interest which is a guaranteed way to ensure the information becomes more public.

permanent link

answered 31 Dec '14, 22:28

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SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 31 Dec '14, 19:34

question was seen: 2,634 times

last updated: 05 Jan '15, 16:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum