How can I delete my account on this help site? Or at least edit my username? Thanks. asked 26 Dec '14, 23:05 cthomason aseerel4c26 ♦ |
As far as I can see (user-initiated) renaming is not supported on this site. So, only our sysadmins (see "deletion") could help with that – but only for good reasons, I guess. But likely you could just log out and sign up with your renamed(?!) OSM main account. And then abandon this old account name. answered 27 Dec '14, 00:05 aseerel4c26 ♦ It is similar on most sites dealing with copyright issues time to time.
(27 Dec '14, 12:37)
In the US, all websites are required to have both a toll-free number and an online process to request account deletion or personal information erasure. This also falls under The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which governs how personal data of individuals in the EU may be processed and transferred, which went into effect on May 25, 2018. and the Data Protection Act 2018 which is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The UK GDPR introduces a right for individuals to have personal data erased. Under Article 17 of the UK GDPR individuals have the right to have personal data erased. answered 11 Aug '21, 05:49 Arie |
For account deletion please see that older question meta-howto-delete-account.