I need to extract information (latitude / longitude) from all public transport (bus stop and way) from a region. I want to draw public transport line like this :http://xn--pnvkarte-m4a.de/?zoom=14&lat=46.51856&lon=6.62505&layers=TBTTT I try with http://www.openstreetmap.org/export#map=18/46.52906/6.59971&layers=T but didn't have all the relation (way), neither with http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/6Fp What is the best practice to do that ? I just need to have stop node and way with coordonate of the point and the name of the bus/tram/train line thanks asked 25 Dec '14, 20:56 f3t |
What you are looking for is more along the lines of http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/6Gd Which simply fetches all elements of any trolleybus route relation. You will need to request the result to be in a format that you can easily process further and potentially request more information (name etc) in the query. answered 26 Dec '14, 09:27 SimonPoole ♦ |
do you know : http://overpass-api.de/public_transport.html ? Unfortunately it does not mention the queries it executes.
yes but with this query http://overpass-api.de/api/sketch-line?network=TL&ref=17&operator= I have only the Public Transport Line Diagram when I try Public Transport Line Map, i have nothing I dont need time juste geolocation :)