How is SomenoneElse named as the latest contributor but there’s no contribution listed in the reaction list for 'Map with Serbian Names'. Several others Zika_laza (questioner), Malenki & Sanser (answers) have contributed. |
I changed an answer to a comment (since it was by the original questioner, added to the question, and wasn't really an answer). But the system did not add your ID to it. MC&HN
(25 Dec '14, 00:16)
What's MC&HN supposed to mean? SomenoneElse just converted a post, he didn't create one.
(25 Dec '14, 09:54)
scai ♦
This time of the year ? Short for, Merry Christmas & Happy Newyear
(25 Dec '14, 20:08)
I suspected what the answer was,but wasn't sure. I didn't guess what MC&HNY was but i would like to wish the same to everyone.
(26 Dec '14, 00:46)
andy mackey
@Scai, it stays questionable IMHO, even if is a message is translated, there’s a name listed.
(27 Dec '14, 09:56)
I agree that some history would be nice. This help system runs on OSQA, you could open a ticket there.
(27 Dec '14, 14:29)
scai ♦
The "official" OSQA is a bit moribund (see the top question at !). The code running here is I believe forked from that, hosted at OSM and had a number of bugs fixed by TomH at the same time.
(27 Dec '14, 15:16)
SomeoneElse ♦
Hi SomeoneElse, I followed the link, added the remark but there was a login code necessary. I don’t have one, so I did not finish properly.
(27 Dec '14, 19:06)
I was merely pointing out that the most recent question is "Is OSQA dead" from a while ago with no answer...
(28 Dec '14, 14:55)
SomeoneElse ♦
Tsja missed that one, too bad. While using OSM new corners pop up every day.
(28 Dec '14, 16:46)
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You could go to the user's "recent activity" to see his last actions: "converted an answer to zika-laza question Map with Serbian Names into a comment". Not simple, but may help you. |