Hello. Is it possible to add hyperlink to the building, monuments,...in OpenStreetMap? Thanks |
It is possible to store hyperlinks in the OSM database along with the object, and it is possible to write applications that then show a map where you can click on objects. However the map on www.openstreetmap.org does not do that, for a number of reasons, one of them being that we don't want to heighten the attractiveness of our map for spammers. See OpenLinkMap for a map that does have clickable links, and for instructions on how to add the links to OSM to have them appear on OpenLinkMap. |
There are things like Key:url, but OpenStreetMap is basically just a database. Then it's up to the actual map implementation to use it for something useful. 1
You're not supposed to use Key:url. Use e.g. Key:website or Key:wikipedia
(22 Mar '11, 20:33)
you can use key url as well, but for the "official" website of an object Key:website should be used. According to taginfo url is used more then 2 times as often as website.
(23 Mar '11, 19:01)
yeah, I know url is common, but the problem is that it is vague.
(24 Mar '11, 08:16)
You said "hyperlink to the building", which I interpret to mean you want link from a website to the OpenStreetMap website, so that the building is highlighted. So the answer is "Yes"! Like this: http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/45994639 http://www.openstreetmap.org/?way=45994639 ...I would give more details, but before I do that, could you edit your question to confirm that "link from a website to the OpenStreetMap website" is what you want? |
Hi! Thanks for all your answers. I would like to add a building on the OSM. This building has,for example, official website. Now I would like to add a hyperlink on the building in the OSM, so when i click on the link, it would open the building's/company's official website. I hope you understand me better now :) Well. Not matter what you do, the website on openstreetmap.org will not show a clickable hyperlink for that building. Some sites do and I guess most react to both the "url" as well as the "website" tag.
(29 Mar '11, 11:02)
Do you want to store a hyperlink about a building? Or do you want a hyperlink that shows you a map with the building marked with a marker?