There are things like Key:url, but OpenStreetMap is basically just a database. Then it's up to the actual map implementation to use it for something useful. answered 22 Mar '11, 11:50 gnurk 1
You're not supposed to use Key:url. Use e.g. Key:website or Key:wikipedia
(22 Mar '11, 20:33)
you can use key url as well, but for the "official" website of an object Key:website should be used. According to taginfo url is used more then 2 times as often as website.
(23 Mar '11, 19:01)
yeah, I know url is common, but the problem is that it is vague.
(24 Mar '11, 08:16)
It is possible to store hyperlinks in the OSM database along with the object, and it is possible to write applications that then show a map where you can click on objects. However the map on does not do that, for a number of reasons, one of them being that we don't want to heighten the attractiveness of our map for spammers. See OpenLinkMap for a map that does have clickable links, and for instructions on how to add the links to OSM to have them appear on OpenLinkMap. answered 22 Mar '11, 11:50 Frederik Ramm ♦ |
You said "hyperlink to the building", which I interpret to mean you want link from a website to the OpenStreetMap website, so that the building is highlighted. So the answer is "Yes"! Like this: ...I would give more details, but before I do that, could you edit your question to confirm that "link from a website to the OpenStreetMap website" is what you want? answered 23 Mar '11, 14:56 Harry Wood |
If your question is which tags people are mostly using to add links to objects in OSM, then the answer is website for the official website and url for additional urls. To link to wikipedia articles there is a special tag: wikipedia=language-abbr.:article name answered 23 Mar '11, 18:53 dieterdreist |
Hi! Thanks for all your answers. I would like to add a building on the OSM. This building has,for example, official website. Now I would like to add a hyperlink on the building in the OSM, so when i click on the link, it would open the building's/company's official website. I hope you understand me better now :) answered 29 Mar '11, 10:41 sandrag Well. Not matter what you do, the website on will not show a clickable hyperlink for that building. Some sites do and I guess most react to both the "url" as well as the "website" tag.
(29 Mar '11, 11:02)
Do you want to store a hyperlink about a building? Or do you want a hyperlink that shows you a map with the building marked with a marker?