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Well, I am going to ask the most basic question to which I could not find an answer, I seem to go in circles to one page to another on the osm web site and nothing:

I have downloaded a map from on a.pbf format, I have installed Emerillon and Marble but I do not find a way to view the map in either programs.

How do I view a map in Emerillon of Marble?

Thank you.


asked 21 Dec '14, 01:05

yoramdavid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Dec '14, 09:06

I don't know about Emerillon, but it seems to be similar to Marble.

The most common way to look at maps in Marble is using pre-rendered tile (like a faster version of what you can do on You can pick different styles in the "map view" panel (if you somehow managed to remove that panel, reenable it in settings -> panels). If you want to view different styles, try file -> download map or even file -> create map.

But you're trying to view plain data, as opposed to rendered tiles. Marble only supports .osm format, not .pbf. So re-download your extract in .osm format from geofabrik, and use file -> open to view its content. That said, Marble isn't the best tool to view an OSM file, because it is quite slow (make sure to select a small extract to view) and has just ok rendering. There are other tools, but they are out of scope for this question.

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answered 22 Dec '14, 11:25

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Hello and thank you for your reply.

I had heard marble was slow, that is why I installed Emerillon.

After two days downloading the map of europe, there was an error and I lost all. So, I downloaded Asia as it is a smaller file.

I did as you said under Marble, but nothing happened when I selected the .osm file. After a while the computer froze, though.

Under Emerillon there is no "open" menu that I can see...

Happy Christmas. David.

PS: Which tool would you recommend to view the maps?

(25 Dec '14, 13:53) yoramdavid

I wouldn't open anything bigger than a few dozen MB with Marble. It just isn't the intended usecase. Try JOSM (with tweaks such as turning off anti-aliasing) for a medium-sized osm file, and otherwise have a look at renderers such as Tilemill or Alacarte or Maperitive.

(26 Dec '14, 23:18) Vincent de P... ♦

And by the way, Marble is lovely and fast for its intended usecase, which is viewing prerendered maps and some light vector data. Marble is featureful but still generalist, whereas rendering a full-blown osm file is a specialist feature.

(26 Dec '14, 23:23) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 21 Dec '14, 01:05

question was seen: 9,527 times

last updated: 26 Dec '14, 23:23

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