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I want to create a high resolution image file (let's say 20 megapixels) or an svg image file of Belgium. I did install Maperitive and downloaded the osm.pbf file of Belgium.

Now, it takes ages to open. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks gijsbert

asked 20 Dec '14, 22:55

Karel%20de%20Grote's gravatar image

Karel de Grote
accept rate: 0%

The osm.pbf file is 200 mb, that doesn't look too terrible. Looks like the unpacked version is 4 gb, is that too big?


(20 Dec '14, 22:57) Karel de Grote

I've been playing around with QGIS loading the osm,.... also contacted but they won't have the Belgium version soon. Any other suggestions? Looks like I need a supercomputer to do this.

(21 Dec '14, 12:25) Karel de Grote

You may have to wait a bit for an answer - it's a weekend and everyone's out mapping or shopping!

(21 Dec '14, 12:34) SomeoneElse ♦

To render 4GB with maperitive on you desktop will take some time. My last map sources were 44 MB and took eight seconds to render.

The possibilities you have imho:

  • Strip the file down to relevant data (big highways, boundaries, cities, woods etc) using OSMfilter and try to render the result with maperitive.
  • Go to, create a map of Belgium, download the SVG and edit it to your liking
  • Use with a self defined css, make the browser window a little bigger and export the image as png. My result you can see/download here (32MB).
  • Nearly the same as above: Bigmap
  • Use the share-button at and select the format you want. Problem: I tried it for Belgium and got the two times I tried it a gateway timeout.


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answered 21 Dec '14, 16:05

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Thanks, Thomas. This helps! I will give it another go on a machine with 16 gb ram and use your png file in the meantime. Thanks!

(22 Dec '14, 09:11) Karel de Grote

I am glad I could help you. If the answer solved your issue it would be nice if you could mark your question as answered, too.

(22 Dec '14, 15:32) malenki

also have a general look at

and maybe in detail to bigmap2 and Nik4 tools

(23 Dec '14, 09:58) stephan75

Consider shrinking down your filesize by removing tags that won't appear at the scale you print ;

  • buildings
  • address numbers (addr* tags)
  • shops
  • tracks
    • ...

OSMFILTER.EXE is a small program but does an excellent job.

OSMFILTER -h to get the help

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answered 15 Jan '15, 16:53

DF45's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Jan '15, 20:20


You should also mention where one can get osmfilter.

(15 Jan '15, 20:56) malenki

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question asked: 20 Dec '14, 22:55

question was seen: 8,417 times

last updated: 15 Jan '15, 20:56

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