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I am trying to map the addresses of apartment and condo units that have one street address (house number) but many buildings with different unit\apartment numbers. As an example say a apartment complex has an address of "5 Example Address Lane Arlington, Virginia 22207" with 30 small condo buildings each having and apartment\unit number so for example unit number 15 would have an address of "5 Example Address Lane APT 15 Arlington, Virginia 22207".

How do you add this unit number to the address?

asked 20 Dec '14, 08:00

Luke%20S's gravatar image

Luke S
accept rate: 0%


addr:unit seems to be fairly popular.

permanent link

answered 20 Dec '14, 10:25

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


Thanks SimonPoole, how do I use this properly, do I add one addr:unit property and separate each unit with a comma? For example addr:unit=1a,1b,2a,2b,3a,3b? Should I put the addr:housenumber as the street number also?

(20 Dec '14, 18:23) Luke S

IMHO if the units are separate building I would tag the full address (including "housenumber" and unit) on the buidlings. If there is more than one unit to a building, I would add one address and list the units in the tag: addr:unit=1,2,3,4 ...

(22 Dec '14, 11:37) SimonPoole ♦

I think addr:flats is used to list a range of apartments/units in a building, while addr:unit gives a particular apartment/unit. If you area listing individual addresses in a building, those are typically done with nodes within the building footprint. See

(22 Dec '14, 16:26) neuhausr


from Key:addr:flats

"For example a house at '10 Some Street' converted into 3 flats with postal addresses of '10 Some Street', 'Flat 1, 10 Some Street' and 'Flat 2, 10 Some Street' can be tagged addr:flats=;1-2 and addr:housenumber=10"

(29 Sep '21, 09:52) arkriger

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question asked: 20 Dec '14, 08:00

question was seen: 59,007 times

last updated: 29 Sep '21, 21:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum