Hello. While styling my maps in Tilemill I'll get a No Attribute Type error when the layers have the attributes like type and name. Then on loading the xml file in Mapnik and running it, I'll get An error occurred while loading the map layer 'default': boost::filesystem::status: Permission denied: "/home/carol/Documents/MapBox/project/Open_Uganda/layers/Roads/ne_10m_roads.shp". I have tried deleting the 'problematic' layers, but it simply goes to the next one. asked 16 Dec '14, 07:38 David SSali |
This is an OpenStreetMap support site. Tilemill is a commercial product made and supported by Mapbox, and any Tilemill specific issues should be raised with them. As for the Mapnik XML - who is Carol and why are you using her files? If the file ne_10m_roads.shp really resides in the given path, then make sure you have access permissions to that. Else open the XML in an editor and search+replace the paths to the shapefiles so that they point to wherever you have saved your shape files to. (Is it possible that you designed the style on one machine and are running it on another, and have only copied the XML and not the supporting shape files?) answered 16 Dec '14, 08:16 Frederik Ramm ♦ 3
Tilemill is open source and has been largely abandoned by Mapbox in favour of Mapbox Studio. I don't think it's unreasonable for questions about it to be asked here.
(16 Dec '14, 08:46)
Richard ♦