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Not holiday caravans, but permanent live-in vehicles on a permanent council-provided site?

asked 15 Dec '14, 20:52

JustStupid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

could you please specify what you mean by "define"? Do you mean how to map or do you just search for the tag(s)?

(15 Dec '14, 22:50) aseerel4c26 ♦

tyvm- most helpful :)

(16 Dec '14, 12:40) JustStupid

please use the "add a new comment" link below the answer to which you are referring to

(16 Dec '14, 16:00) aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi JustStupid, there are a few traveller sites. Most of them are described as building=static_caravan but no surroundings or extra tags. Consider building=mobile_caravan or building=traveller_caravan as a tag.

permanent link

answered 15 Dec '14, 22:18

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 17 Dec '14, 15:35

escada's gravatar image


As for the area itself, we've been using landuse=residential, residential=halting_site in Ireland. Not very many in the db yet, but it has consensus between a few mappers. Those sites sometimes have some permanent buildings too.

permanent link

answered 16 Dec '14, 00:35

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%


Oddly enough the same discussion happened here in French, with the same recommendation as @Vincent de Philly gave above:

(16 Dec '14, 18:48) SK53 ♦

Thanks, I vaguely remembered answering the same question before, but was too lazy to search.

The discussion also came following this note (on the note itself and in IRC), which makes me feel that residential=halting_site is slowly reaching consensus.

(17 Dec '14, 10:21) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 15 Dec '14, 20:52

question was seen: 4,354 times

last updated: 17 Dec '14, 15:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum