I'm trying to get OSM-carto to finally include paved/unpaved roads. They are asking for a proposal, rendered with real data. I've got the OSM history renderer already running, which uses this mapnik .xml stylesheet to render data. To avoid having to install a lot more software, I'd like to play around with this xml file. But is there any software a I can use to make understanding and editing the xml easier? I tried Quantumnik but couldn't get it installed. In Tilemill it looks complicated to get the real OSM data entered. I can't seem to find a description of the tags used either. The XML itself looks kind of human readable, so maybe I'm best off just playing around with the code itself... |
The map style on the openstreetmap.org website is available here https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto in carto format. That's easier to read than the XML file. It uses mapnik in the background. It should be usable with TileMill. 3
In particular, note that a patch in XML will almost certainly not be accepted. The stylesheet is maintained in CartoCSS.
(18 Dec '14, 11:10)
Richard ♦
I would highly recommend Andy Allan's cool OSM carto workshop at sotm 2014: http://blog.gravitystorm.co.uk/2014/07/07/openstreetmap-carto-workshop/
Lots of helpful detail to get you started with TileMill and carto style.