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I'm trying to get OSM-carto to finally include paved/unpaved roads. They are asking for a proposal, rendered with real data.

I've got the OSM history renderer already running, which uses this mapnik .xml stylesheet to render data. To avoid having to install a lot more software, I'd like to play around with this xml file. But is there any software a I can use to make understanding and editing the xml easier? I tried Quantumnik but couldn't get it installed. In Tilemill it looks complicated to get the real OSM data entered. I can't seem to find a description of the tags used either.

The XML itself looks kind of human readable, so maybe I'm best off just playing around with the code itself...

asked 13 Dec '14, 15:33

joost%20schouppe's gravatar image

joost schouppe
accept rate: 12%


I would highly recommend Andy Allan's cool OSM carto workshop at sotm 2014:

Lots of helpful detail to get you started with TileMill and carto style.

(13 Dec '14, 20:25) mmd

The map style on the website is available here in carto format. That's easier to read than the XML file. It uses mapnik in the background. It should be usable with TileMill.

permanent link

answered 18 Dec '14, 08:54

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


In particular, note that a patch in XML will almost certainly not be accepted. The stylesheet is maintained in CartoCSS.

(18 Dec '14, 11:10) Richard ♦

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question asked: 13 Dec '14, 15:33

question was seen: 3,030 times

last updated: 18 Dec '14, 11:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum