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I would like to map the growth of bushes and forests in my home aerea of Asturias, northern Spain. In a way that everybody who likes to, can contribute painting growth aereas to assest the posibility of the danger of fire spreading through the region. I wonder if I'm here at the right spot to start such a thing. Can anybody help me with a sugestion?

asked 12 Dec '14, 16:17

lutzpro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Dec '14, 06:58

iii's gravatar image


Certainly you and others can add this kind of information to the map.

For general information about contributing to the map see the Beginners Guide

Specifically you would add areas (polygons) using the Natural key for example

  • Natural forest: Key natural=wood
  • Natural bushes, small trees: natural=scrub
  • Natural mixed grassland/bushes: natural=heath
  • Forest plantation (man-made): landuse=forest
permanent link

answered 15 Dec '14, 21:14

EliotB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you so much, I really didn't expect a response anymore.

(22 Dec '14, 17:26) lutzpro

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question asked: 12 Dec '14, 16:17

question was seen: 4,051 times

last updated: 23 Dec '14, 06:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum