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What is the correct way to tag Highway milestones (mile markers)? Are they also included or considered when performing geocodes? IN my country, most of the addresses consist if a kilometer or mile maker, example: Carretera 1.11, San Juan, PR -----> that is State Road 1.11, San Juan, PR. Having these features included in the map and geocode (Nominatim) will be an asset :) Please, let me know if they can be added to Nominatim in order to work on this with the proper people.

asked 09 Dec '14, 15:59

ernestocd's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I doubt that mile markers are used in Nominatim. Take a look at their FAQ-page for contact information. I doubt there are a lot of people with inside information following this website.

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answered 10 Dec '14, 15:13

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


Such addresses were discussed several times (at least informally) at State of the Map. They are fairly common in the countryside in Latin America (and IIRC in places in North America). This type of address was fairly obvious along Av. Ezequiel Bustillo W of Bariloche (

(10 Dec '14, 15:36) SK53 ♦

Tag-wise, most commonly used is highway=milestone, but other tags that have been used are also discussed on that page.

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answered 11 Dec '14, 16:50

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%


I tag frequently tag milestones because they are quite common in Thailand. The Thais don't use signage to the extent seen in other countries so that often there is no other way to identify the highway number or ref. I use the following combination of tags:






The inscription is where I put any other writing. It usually contains a town name and the distance to it in kilometers. The description is used in special cases, for example, a milestone with a distance of "0" that denotes the beginning of a numbered highway.


(11 Dec '14, 23:48) AlaskaDave

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question asked: 09 Dec '14, 15:59

question was seen: 4,689 times

last updated: 11 Dec '14, 23:48

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