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Old tiles keep showing up even after a few seconds ago the newer tiles were displayed.

At first I thought to be a browser cache problem, deleted it. Same problem. After that I flagged the tiles with /dirty. Didn't solve it. Then I installed another browser. At first it shows the newer tiles, I zoom out - still good, then zoom in again and now it shows the old version! When 2 seconds ago it showed the newer one! Now /status from an old tile shows it was updated minutes ago, so it should contain the new data. What's wrong?

asked 08 Dec '14, 12:10

bubalici's gravatar image

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Would it be possible to link to the affected area?

(08 Dec '14, 12:31) SomeoneElse ♦

Could it be due to one of the tile servers not being in sync with the others, delivering old tiles? Take a look at the exact tile URLs in order to see if old tiles always originate from the same server.

(08 Dec '14, 14:08) scai ♦

Right now it seems the problem is gone, hope it won't come back, I had this weird behavior for some days now.

(08 Dec '14, 17:03) bubalici

I'm experiencing the same problem, pretty annoying...

(08 Dec '14, 18:47) SteFra

To be honest, I'm also experiencing some problems these days. In the area you linked above, at any zoom level I can't see this cafe: you draw nine days ago, and various trees both sides the townhall entrance. Another example from my area, here: I can't see this building, which is nine days old too:

(08 Dec '14, 18:48) Alecs01

At least I know it's not something with my computer.

@scai The tiles with old data are generated from, and

And I still have the problem.

I managed to narrow it down a little. If I see the new data and I hit the shift + Refresh button in browser, it delivers the old images. However, in the other browser, opening the map showed the old data first, doing the refresh brought the new data!

(08 Dec '14, 19:52) bubalici
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question asked: 08 Dec '14, 12:10

question was seen: 3,677 times

last updated: 08 Dec '14, 19:56

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum