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I have 20GB RAM and I have allocated 22GB swap to cater for the planet.osm data. My shell command on the Ubuntu14.04 like this osm2pgsql -dosmgis -s -S"./" -C16384 -Uwww-data -W -Hlocalhost -v ~/planet-140625.osm.bz2 the import time is too long with the speed (nodes=88k/s ways=0.15k/s,rels=11.2/s) and the nodes,ways and rels have been read in for about 1 week

but when the process move to "Committing transaction for planet_osm_point" it show "There is no transaction in progress" after I check the "dmesg" it shows "Out of memory kill osm2pgsql" so what I can do to deal with this proble? someone can give me some advices? with many thanks!!!

asked 07 Dec '14, 04:46

studiousdavid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Dec '14, 10:52

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Hi why do you ask the same related question after one hour again ? Duplicated questions tend to be closed without answering !

(07 Dec '14, 11:47) Hendrikklaas

@Hendrikklaas It's a different question

(07 Dec '14, 11:52) SomeoneElse ♦

I just ran an import and on first try ran in to similar problems (and I have a lot of imports under my belt), but that is normal, OSM data continues to grow at a rapid pace and the tools are evolving too.

First you should be setting -C to 25000, then you will need to allocate more swap. On my machine with 32GB RAB it peaked at 24GB, I would aim for a total of 40-50GB swap to be on the safe side.

Note: if you are using a current osm2pgsql you shoud likely not use multiple processes if you are using the persistent node cache.

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answered 09 Dec '14, 00:22

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 09 Dec '14, 00:24

Thank you for sharing your expriences!

(09 Dec '14, 00:39) studiousdavid

Hi studiousdavid, welcome, you might or please read this and other import related questions. Just by adding import or osm2pgsql into the blank line above.

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answered 07 Dec '14, 11:42

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Thank you Hendrikklaas! I have read some of the FQA but I'm still a little bit confused

(09 Dec '14, 00:38) studiousdavid

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question asked: 07 Dec '14, 04:46

question was seen: 9,519 times

last updated: 09 Dec '14, 00:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum