I want to find all the communes in a "Département" and around 10 kilometers of the limit of this département. rel[name="Ille-et-Vilaine"][boundary=administrative];rel(around:10000)['admin_level'='8'];out meta; The request is very very slow |
No surprise here. This kind of query is known to be slow. Moreover, the way you constructed the query would even return incorrect results, as you wouldn't get all communities in your department (only those up to 10km proximity to the border). Note: I had to remove most parts of my previous answer, as it didn't properly take the 10km distance into account. Sorry for that. I've submitted a pull request to improve the runtime of your query. Once that fix is in place, your query will run in about 2 minutes with the following result: Link to previous (non-working) overpass turbo query: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/6oX Pull request for faster This query might take up to 2 minutes and returns about 30MB of data. Results should look pretty much like on the screenshot above.
(24 Jun '15, 21:20)