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I'm wondering how to tag a DSLAM outdoor cabinet like this one: see right side in the photo below. They're pretty common in Germany.

Photo of an outdoor dslam
Photo by FEXX, PD

Some possible Tags I found:

  • man_made=MDF for Main Distribution Frame, but this one can't distinguish between outdoor/indoor, Wiki
  • man_made=street_cabinet + street_cabinet=telecom or street_cabinet=outdoor_dslam there was Proposal for a generic tag for street cabinets, but there isn't a straigt definition for DSLAMs , see Wiki

  • power=cable_distribution_cabinet + communication=cable_distribution_cabinet or communication=outdoor_dslam pretty often used, see Wiki

I don't know the technically differences that might be in the tags above, so it would be great to hear some recommendations or even other tags! At the moment the new street_cabinet tagging is most appealing to me.

Thanks in advance!

asked 05 Dec '14, 08:39

kerosin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Dec '14, 12:26

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Sadly there is no kind of unified schema for telecommunication equipment as we have already for power=* stuff (compare for example!i!/telecommunication).

There is a german redirect for "DSL Hauptverteiler", so I guess currently man_made=MDF is the right choice as there was for example an import with this tag. Would be great, if one day we can bring all things together ... but tagging discussions can take a lot of time ...

permanent link

answered 05 Dec '14, 17:32

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

There was some discussion about MDF on the tagging mailing list in April. Since I'm not familiar with the concept, I don't understand the arguments used over there. Maybe you do.

(05 Dec '14, 18:07) escada

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question asked: 05 Dec '14, 08:39

question was seen: 5,401 times

last updated: 05 Dec '14, 18:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum