I am unclear on the advantages and disadvantages of using seldomly used tags. I would like to define the outline of a summer camp, the most appropriate tag seems to be leisure=summer_camp, but taginfo reports that there are 20 instances of that tag globally. Should I avoid such a rarely used tag? I believe it will not render, and while I understand the value of not mapping for the renderer, I don't feel particularly enthusiastic about mapping things that no one will see. Am I overlooking anything? (Less generally, I'll take suggestions for alternative tags) asked 02 Dec '14, 00:46 keithonearth |
Forget about what shows on the renderer. The important thing is to tag things correctly otherwise the data is wrong. Remember, the map you see on the homepage is only 1 version of what is possible to render. answered 02 Dec '14, 01:54 DaCor I wasn't suggesting I use incorrect tags. I was suggesting that I might not bother tagging it at all, as I don't feel particularly enthusiastic about mapping things that no one will see.
(02 Dec '14, 03:56)
My apologies, I misunderstood As to your point, when I'm mapping things I like to take a macro perspective in regards to the data that I add. What I mean is I map anything that is likely to meet specific use cases. For example, I map rivers and streams, but I also map drainage and irrigation channels. They don't interest me but I know that data is useful for hydrology. The flip side is there are many other things I don't map that others do In your case, the summer camp would be a feature likely to appear alongside campsites and other tourist type features At the end of the day it's completely up to each person what they map. Some only map roads or hiking trails or buildings or pubs or whatever. As for using seldom used tags, it's a catch 22,they only become more widely used through more usage. The fact that the summer camp will show up in searches is undoubtedly useful though answered 02 Dec '14, 04:12 DaCor |
It's pretty easy to make your own map with all summer_camps with e.g. umap. Then write a blog article or a diary about it. In that way you "promote" the tag and more people might start using it.
I recently read http://tlatet.blogspot.be/2014/11/kennels-and-catteries.html and the author seems to struggle with the similar questions.