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Hi! I'm need to get all street name, house number and city. I'm using osmconvert with the next query: osmconvert chile-latest.osm --csv="addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city" -o=1.csv

The problem is I can't get every street and house number, for example, if I get all lat and long, I can get 7.000.000 records, but when I use below query, I can get just 5.000 records. If i look at the map, show a lot more than what I can get. How I can get all the street name, house number and city? Thanks!

asked 01 Dec '14, 18:33

patriciodilet's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


do you have the same "error if you try your query on another raw OSM file from another area in the world? for example Luxembourg or similar?

Maybe in the result file you only have elements that have all three tags with any value, any all others are skipped?

(02 Dec '14, 17:20) stephan75

Maybe you want to run osmconvert with the additional parameter --all-to-nodes

(04 Dec '14, 22:13) mmd

"if I get all lat and long, I can get 7.000.000 records"

That sounds a lot - I suspect that this includes every node in Chile, not just those places that have addresses (every park bench, every tree, every node of every way that makes up every road, etc.)

(04 Dec '14, 22:59) SomeoneElse ♦

Using your slightly modified command (with the file being from December 5th)

osmconvert chile-latest.osm.pbf  --csv="addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city" -o=1.csv

I get a file with 235.934 lines which each contains a more or less address (sometimes only a street name or a housenumber)

In short: works for me. (at least it seems so)

permanent link

answered 05 Dec '14, 14:51

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

How you did it in overpass-turbo?

permanent link

answered 16 Jul '19, 14:54

Sterben_123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

@Sterben_123: Please create a new question for your issue.

(16 Jul '19, 16:45) TZorn

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question asked: 01 Dec '14, 18:33

question was seen: 5,866 times

last updated: 16 Jul '19, 16:45

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum