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I am a newcomer here. I wish to use the OpenSreetMap in the future. Will this be possible with a GARMIN GPSMAP 60Cx?

Many thanks for your answers and help!

Best regards, vikinger

asked 18 Mar '11, 15:02

vikinger's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

"Totally impressive GPS unit in every regard" says the OSM wiki: GPSMAP 60C(S)x and 76C(S)x series,

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answered 18 Mar '11, 15:07

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

If you want a GB OSM I recommend for a pre built map.I use Vista HCX with it but have helped a pal get OSM onto his gpsmap 60cx he is very pleased with this set up.

(18 Mar '11, 15:57) andy mackey

I use with my 60CSX. This allows you to select from prebuilt areas worldwide or just to generate specific area tiles. It also provides an installer so you can use your new map in Garmin Mapsource too. There can be a wait for the map to be generated for you by the server, currently at around 4 days.

However, due to naming conventions, you can only have one map at a time on your GPS; there is a hack to get round this but I've not tried it. My hack is just to rename the maps internally on the GPS as needed.

(18 Mar '11, 16:16) vagabond

Great answers! Thank you so much! They are a big help for me!


(19 Mar '11, 09:31) vikinger

I have the same Garmin 60CSX and have been using: successfully for over a year now. It suits me perfectly. Have a look! It looks more frightening than it actually is and does take a little leaning. The instructions provided must be followed very carefully. If you do so you will be pleased with the results.

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answered 19 Mar '11, 12:28

dcp's gravatar image

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edited 20 Mar '11, 07:51

I am a beginner, trying to use an old 60cx and install updated street maps. The memory card is 2 Gig. It is currently running Garmin City Navigator North America NT 2011.2 The software is Mapsource, with 3 local maps I have selected. This is shown on the Mapsource application on a Windows 10 PC.

Information on this web page appears to cover other models of Garmin products, and other software, along with what I may need to update these local maps. From time to time I will need to change the local selected maps to another area of the US. What I need is a simple, succinct answer about the procedures I need to follow, maybe with links to instructions.

Thanks for considering this need.

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answered 09 Dec '19, 08:05

Tom_Bl's gravatar image

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edited 09 Dec '19, 08:08

If you wish to keep the old map it will be best to get separate cards for each map. Old Garmins pre 2010?? can only read a map images named Gmapsupp. of .img type. Without renaming the maps you won't be able put more than one map on a memory card without overwriting the other one, even if the card as enough space. The other problems are small memory cards are hard to find now and that device may not address larger memory cards, 8GB was large in 2008. Garmin or another user may supply this information.

(10 Dec '19, 08:07) andy mackey

Thank you for the suggestion. I'm at least going to try to find another 2 Gig card. Since the Mapsource program I am running on my laptop (Windows 10) is version 6.16.3 (with copyright in 2010), I would like to use Mapsource to view the new map.

If I could at least get the new updated map to display using this Mapsource, I should be able to use Mapsource to upload maps to the Garmin 60cx.

I also know that the old Garmin maps selected for the limited memory available are smaller than what is likely used for new hardware now.

So far I have been able to connect the 60cx to the PC and get it to recognize the space on the 2G card using the mass storage feature, available under Setup.

(10 Dec '19, 20:35) Tom_Bl

The Garmin web page for this 60cx says the maximum micro SD card size is 4GB. I see that 4GB sizes and the 2GB size cards are available. I would still like to install new maps on my Mapsource (ver. 6.16.3) which is working on a Windows 10 laptop, and go from there. I need to keep my existing waypoints. I have used Mapsource to create and maintain them.

(11 Dec '19, 20:31) Tom_Bl
(13 Dec '19, 00:40) andy mackey

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question asked: 18 Mar '11, 15:02

question was seen: 15,005 times

last updated: 13 Dec '19, 00:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum