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Lake Havasu along the Colorado River (Near Lake Havasu City, AZ, USA) is incorrectly named "Havash Lake" on the map. What can be done to rename it to the correct name?

asked 01 Dec '14, 01:49

John%20West%203's gravatar image

John West 3
accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Dec '14, 02:17

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi, welcome to OSM! :-) Do you mean this lake?

Is there any special problem with renaming this lake (e.g. selecting it in the editor) or do you just need help in starting editing at OSM in general (I saw you have registered just some hours ago and made no edits yet).

(01 Dec '14, 02:21) aseerel4c26 ♦

It's a relation, which can be kind of intimidating for a first edit...

(01 Dec '14, 14:36) neuhausr

@neuhausr: I know, I just would have loved to hear the actual problem from John.

(01 Dec '14, 17:51) aseerel4c26 ♦

@John West 3: this like is split up in several parts (not really how it should be if that is all one lake with one name …). So you need to rename also the other parts.

(01 Dec '14, 17:53) aseerel4c26 ♦

I merged the parts of the neighboring relation to the east into the already-renamed one, which I think pretty much takes care of it. The same could be done with the unnamed water ways further east or west, but I'm not clear what the bounds of the lake are.

(01 Dec '14, 19:37) neuhausr

Didn't mean to discourage you! It's not too bad, really. :)

In iD, you can do this by:

  1. click on the lake outline
  2. in the left sidebar, look down a bit for where it says Water Havash Lake (in the relations section)
  3. change the name
  4. click Save.
permanent link

answered 01 Dec '14, 15:12

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

thanks for responses. I think I'll leave it to someone else. thanks

(01 Dec '14, 15:00) John West 3

Thanks! It worked!! I appreciate your extra info. I had changed it but guess I didn't see the second "save" button. Now it reads as "Lake Havasu" instead of the incorrect "Havash Lake" - Thank you very much for your help!! John

(01 Dec '14, 15:55) John West 3

should've earlier also pointed you to the page about multipolygon relations, in case you want to understand what was behind all this:

(01 Dec '14, 19:38) neuhausr

@neuhausr Thanks. When I get a chance I'll check other waterways in the region where I paddle and edit when I can. Thanks for the help and guidance today from all. John

(02 Dec '14, 00:13) John West 3

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question asked: 01 Dec '14, 01:49

question was seen: 2,965 times

last updated: 02 Dec '14, 15:30

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