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hi dear I tried to edit a map in iran and want to name a street . when I type the name in my language ( farsi ) . when I save that letters will be opposite . I mean when I type "مال " it will be showed " لام " what is the solution ? thank you

asked 30 Nov '14, 06:50

morsadr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Nov '14, 17:22

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

What editor are you using?

(30 Nov '14, 07:05) mattflaschen

They're using iD (not that a new mapper could be reasonably expected to answer that question). Here's the area that they're editing in:

(30 Nov '14, 12:53) SomeoneElse ♦

thank you I am using ID for editing I am using google chrome , windows 7 < It has EN and farsi language . when I want to edit I change language to farsi . you know that farsi is a right to left language , when I type the word it is correct but when I save that in the map the letters are left to right !!

(01 Dec '14, 11:58) morsadr

The best place to report problems with the "iD" editor is at the issues list for it over at github. You'll need a login at github to do this; if you don't have one, say so here and I (or another user) can log it on your behalf.

What would be really useful to have would be information that would help to reproduce the problem - which browser you're using and what languages it displays by default, which computer operating system, that sort of thing.

I do notice (by looking at the history here) that there are other users adding names using iD in Iran - it might be worth contacting them to ask what problems they have and how they worked around them.

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answered 30 Nov '14, 17:31

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


I don't have github account

(01 Dec '14, 12:03) morsadr
(01 Dec '14, 12:25) SomeoneElse ♦

thank you my friend

(01 Dec '14, 14:09) morsadr

What happens if you try a different web browser (such as Firefox)? There's an issue logged against the Chrome web browser here:

that sounds similar.

(01 Dec '14, 17:02) SomeoneElse ♦

I tested it with safari in an ios device (ipad) but again problem exist ,

(01 Dec '14, 20:01) morsadr

in firefox it is oK . so the problem is in chrome and safari

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answered 03 Dec '14, 13:43

morsadr's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It's unlikely to be easily fixable within iD then, unfortunately.

(03 Dec '14, 14:01) SomeoneElse ♦

thank you

(03 Dec '14, 14:10) morsadr

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question asked: 30 Nov '14, 06:50

question was seen: 6,518 times

last updated: 03 Dec '14, 14:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum