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The title really explains it all- I use JOSM on both my desktop and laptop, and noticed recently that the high-resolution (and more current) imagery that is being retrieved is differing between the two. On my laptop, I can load the available z19 imagery from 2014 in my area of interest, and that imagery is what is reported via the imagery analyzer. On the other hand, my desktop is still loading the first batch of imagery from an unknown date: it doesn't report any imagery data on the tile. I've tried fresh "installs" of JOSM on both tries by dumping the imagery cache and the JOSM install data location in AppData, to no avail.

asked 28 Nov '14, 18:51

YamaOfParadise's gravatar image

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Could you please compare the "Imagery providers" (Preferences->Imagery Preferences, Imagery providers tab-> Selected entries) from both JOSM installs? In my JOSM installation, the Imagery URL is tms[19]:https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png

You might also want to clear the "Tile Cache Directory" specified in preferences : Preferences->Imagery Preferences, Settings tab, Tile cache directory.

(28 Nov '14, 19:24) BlueTiger

Well, I'm talking about the Bing imagery; the url is bing[22]: . That's the same URL on both installations. I've dumped the Cache a number of times as well.

(29 Nov '14, 00:53) YamaOfParadise

@YamaOfParadise, that is strange. In my JOSM installation, the Bing imagery URL is same as you specified and I can go to zoom level 19 without problems.

(29 Nov '14, 04:43) BlueTiger

I don't remember the details but I think that JOSM used two different locations for the images cache. Perhaps you are still using one old location. The best would be to test your new "fresh" install with a new preference settings file.

(11 Dec '14, 09:36) Pieren

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question asked: 28 Nov '14, 18:51

question was seen: 6,806 times

last updated: 11 Dec '14, 09:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum