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Hi all,

I have managed to create a map with umap based on data from the overpass-api showing the location of post boxes and atms. But for some reasons I'm not able to show data in the popups (name for atms or collection times for post boxes). The mouse over just shows me a crossed red circle. The data seems to be there as if I select to always show names the names of the atm show. But I'm not able to show any other data. Can anyone point me to my shortcoming?

Here is the map: It should be editable by anyone.

Help is highly appreciated!

asked 27 Nov '14, 13:45

Pascal%20Mages's gravatar image

Pascal Mages
accept rate: 0%

You need to change the popup template, to use the "table" one, which will loop over all properties and display them in table.

Here is a screencast that shows how to do that:

permanent link

answered 27 Nov '14, 14:20

ybon's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%


Thanks for your answer! That helped! I didn't realise that I had to cancel had close the edit mode in order for the popups to work. No I get the popups but they just show what ever data is on the node. Is there a way I can format what is shown? That's what I would actually expect from the Popup content template to do. But it doesn't. Any idea?

(27 Nov '14, 14:51) Pascal Mages

OK, I just got! It's all about closing the edit mode. Then the popup does what I wan't it to do!

(27 Nov '14, 14:59) Pascal Mages

The gif from @ybon may be a bit hard to follow or go offline somewhen. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Option A: Change the settings of one specifig layer.
  • Option B: Change the default settings for all layers.

Detailed steps option A:

Click "Manage layers" on the right -> Choose your layer -> Click its pencil symbol -> Interaction options -> Popup style: define -> Table

(German: Auf der rechten Seite "Ebenen verwalten" klicken -> Die richtige Ebene wählen -> Das zugehörige Bleistiftsymbol klicken -> Interaktionsoptionen -> Popupstil: festlegen -> Tabelle)

Detailed steps for option B:

Click "Edit map settings" on the right (gearwheel symbol) -> Default interaction options -> Popup style: define -> Table

(German: Auf der rechten Seite "Karteneinstellungen bearbeiten" klicken (Zahnradsymbol) -> Standard-Interaktionsoptionen -> Popupstil: festlegen -> Tabelle

(19 Dec '16, 13:16) skorbut

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question asked: 27 Nov '14, 13:45

question was seen: 5,021 times

last updated: 19 Dec '16, 13:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum