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Hi, We are looking for someways to get digital photos of florianopolis in Brasil in order to draw the Streets. Yahoo doesn't show anything about our area in order to zoom close enough. (?!!!) Any idea ? ...coz we dont have any GPS. Thanks, Eric

asked 17 Mar '11, 16:55

Toto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Mar '11, 16:57

Is this the place you are asking about:

Looks good enough with Bing sat images according to me.

What program do you use for map editing since you don't see the Bing images automatically?

(17 Mar '11, 17:47) gnurk

Use Potlatch2 or JOSM with Bing Imagery which seems to cover the area (editor link here). Potlatch 2 is available by hovering over the edit tab. It is likely to become the default on-line editor soon.

Even without a GPS and only landsat satellite imagery available it is possible to map detail. It will not be as accurate as with GPS and aerial imagery, but it can help make a start and often details of the topology will force corrections of the more obvious errors.

Some major roads, railways, water features, residential areas, woodland etc. can usually be identified from satellite imagery, so enter these as carefully as possible and use this framework as a reference for further additions. Distances between roads can be calculated by counting steps, or are the roads are fixed distances apart in residential areas. An old fashioned compass is useful to check directions.

Also you might be able to borrow a GPS device or GPS enabled phone for a short period to again have a framework of roads aligned to that data.

It is quite easy to trace a lot of roads, but much harder to collect their names. If you collect names you can correct the road alignment once GPS data or aerial imagery is available.

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answered 17 Mar '11, 17:43

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

yes, and add other tags to the roads that are useful for routing (ref, oneway, maxspeed, surface)

(17 Mar '11, 19:35) dieterdreist

Hi, Thank you very much for your advise SK53 ;)

Now, make sure, The Bing imagery is proper to use as a background photo without copyright infrigments, correct ? Our final work is not commercial. I'm opening bing to see whatever is avaialable right now. Thank you

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answered 17 Mar '11, 21:12

Toto's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


"Bing maps have declared that we are allowed to feed their imagery into OpenStreetMap editors and create our vector maps by tracing them."

(17 Mar '11, 21:22) gnurk

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question asked: 17 Mar '11, 16:55

question was seen: 3,499 times

last updated: 17 Mar '11, 21:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum