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Can we add a bike share feature point, it's not the same as bike parking. If you do, it would be nice to add the program affiliated, such as Citibike or Nextbike, etc.

See link here . Thank You

asked 24 Nov '14, 16:59

ori333's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I see, it's under the category Bicycle Rental and I can add a Network. Thank you.

Bicycle Rental is still not exactly she same as a Bike Share. This is important for routing options. A bike rental store has hours of operation and you usually need a person to attend to you. A bike share runs 24/7 and you can park your bike and hop on to another one very quickly. Almost like a row vending machines.

In NYC, we have 30min to use a CitiBike and then we must find a station to park and unpark so we don't get charged enormous fines. So in terms of routing, I must find a path along the CitiBike stations.

Technically I can just search Bicycle Rental and filter by network. I'm assuming that as Bike Shares get more popular, changes will be made accordingly.

Thank You Valentin

(24 Nov '14, 17:54) ori333

Please see the wiki documentation for amenity=bicycle_rental. These are bike shares and the documentation explicitly suggests to use a different tag for shops that rent bikes.

(25 Nov '14, 09:45) scai ♦

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answered 24 Nov '14, 17:32

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

These are often already mapped in OpenStreetMap. For example, see the yellow 'C's on the OpenCycleMap layer here.

So when you say "can we add", what do you want these adding to?

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answered 24 Nov '14, 17:32

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Dublin has a bicycle share system, and they are tagged as amenity=bicycle_rental, and with a network name.

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answered 25 Nov '14, 13:05

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Hi Ori333, I ve knowledge off two programms the Parisian, its a rental system so is the Dutch OV bike, offered by a bicycle parking at a OV point (train, bus, aso). But its a rental too. The only sharing systems I know were in Oxford and Amsterdam, Witte Fietsen plan (white Bicycle Plan) a drop and forget system. The Oxford bikes were mainly abandoned ones free to take for all as Im remembering. I would suggest stick to amenity=bicycle_rental, and add if available name or system=OV-bike. Like earlier mentioning sharing is not he same but the Amsterdam bikes could have been dropped anywhere, no specific locations. Just stop, drop and forget. It did nt last.

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answered 25 Nov '14, 16:34

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 25 Nov '14, 21:42


What is system=OV-bike supposed to be and why should he use it for NYC?

(25 Nov '14, 16:37) scai ♦

I'm assuming Hendrikklaas is referring to "network" instead of "system". OV-fiets (OV-bike) is a network for the Netherlands just like CitiBike in NYC

(25 Nov '14, 16:46) ori333

1; I didnt mention NYC. 2; I just reffered to the Dutch possibillyites. Renting a bike in Amsterdam and ride it to Alkmaar and travel by train to Den Haag. Since you dont have to return and you (as member) can go anywhere against a certain fee; wheres the network, its legio every way counts.

(25 Nov '14, 21:41) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 24 Nov '14, 16:59

question was seen: 4,921 times

last updated: 25 Nov '14, 21:42

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