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I am trying to map Kiwi orchard. I tagged them as landuse=orchard and crop=kiwi.Now I want to tag total tree count on orchard. There is 150 kiwi tree. How should I tag this 150 kiwi tree?

asked 24 Nov '14, 07:08

Manoj-MOBERA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Manoj-MOBERA, if you really want to tag the number of kiwi trees, consider using the count key. Read this as well, landuse=orchard, trees=kiwi_trees, trees=150 or kiwi_tree:count=150.

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answered 24 Nov '14, 09:23

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Thank you.

(24 Nov '14, 12:28) Manoj-MOBERA

It surprised me somewhat, but "kiwi_trees" seems to be the preferred description:

(25 Nov '14, 14:01) SomeoneElse ♦

A friendly plea from New Zealand re correct use of the word 'kiwi'.......... Kiwi is firstly a flightless bird native to New Zealand and also a colloquial term for a New Zealander

Although the fruit is often referred to as a 'kiwi' (generally outside of New Zealand) its correct name is 'kiwifruit' (originally known as Chinese Gooseberry).

Please can the trees be tagged as 'trees=kiwifruit' and 'kiwifruit_tree:count=150'

If one wants to be really pedantic about it kiwifruit are actually grown on vines like grapes rather than on trees but that is probably being far too picky :)

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answered 25 Nov '14, 01:15

NZGraham's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

The count tag is a good idea. Remember you can add a note tag to explain your reasoning in case people get confused about what count means in this case.

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answered 25 Nov '14, 13:09

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 24 Nov '14, 07:08

question was seen: 3,218 times

last updated: 25 Nov '14, 14:01

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