Hello. How can I download a map of Jerusalem in English? It's in Hebrew! |
If you download the Isreal and Palestine data file from Geofabrik, you can then parse that whatever way you want. The What type of "download" do you want? An image? Tiles? Shapefile? Garmin? Thanks!! Where can I change the TAG name ?? I need it in PDF or SVG Doron
(25 Nov '14, 13:12)
Doron Yosha
Do you have a PDF or SVG of the area (in Hebrew) now?
(25 Nov '14, 13:16)
Or how can I open the files? Wich software?
(25 Nov '14, 13:20)
Doron Yosha
Sure I have the PDF files from http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/31.7761/35.2246
(25 Nov '14, 13:57)
Doron Yosha
or any other map but in English
what do you mean by "download"? For which use, which device/software type/format?
It's perhaps worth mentioning that three of the five maps available via the layer switcher (the "stack of books" icon) at the right-hand side of the OpenStreetMap.org website already display names in both Hebrew and English (to me in England).