Hello, There are many monasteries around and I was wondering what is the most suitable way to tag them. A monastery (or cloister) is a combination of different things:
The monastery is a congregation of all of these. How would you tag it? Area with amenity=monastery surrounding all of it? I haven't seen such a tag in the wiki... Maybe add tag fenced=yes if necessary. |
You can either make a site-relation adding all the features you mention as belonging to the monastery to it, or draw a polygon around the whole area (the latter gets better evaluated at the moment). All the single features you identified would be usually tagged as suggested by you. For recreational fountains there is The relation / polygon for the whole monastery would be tagged as adding a "historic=yes" seems useful, too, if the monastery complex is of historic significance. Also a "tourism=attraction" can be used, if the monastery has significant touristic value - think about the Meteora Monasteries in Greece, for example, where tourists are coming in thousands.
(20 Jan '12, 09:58)
moszkva ter
I'd add both in this case, "historic=monastery" and "amenity=monastery" If you have the information, a "start_date=" would enhance detail. And of course "wikipedia="
(20 Jan '12, 10:38)