I just got a friend add from this user account http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/jenniferhines It's obviously an account designed to advertise adult services. I see no way of reporting it for being a fake account. How do I flag and get the account removed? |
A spammer has brought this question to the top of the list again, so I might as well add what is now (9 years later!) the correct answer. Diary entries have a "report this entry" link below them. Admins will see those messages, and can delete the diary entries and take appropriate action against the user. In addition, users now have a "report this user" link. This can be used to indicate to the admins that (for example) a user's profile has spam in it. |
You can alert that in the OSM wiki by entering "Spam" in its text search box. Add an entry there in the right section ... if not done yet, create a wiki account there ideally with the same name like you use on osm.org I'm not sure how the OSM wiki is related to non-wiki OSM spam (like diary spam or in this case friend requests)?
(21 Nov '14, 17:12)
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