Should I:
The business itself seems to me to be a valid entry, it is the note that I don't like! |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Too subjective and argumentative" by dcp 21 Nov '14, 18:22
Option 4? Move the text into a description key instead, that seems more appropriate "The description tag can be used to provide additional information about the related element to the end map user." If all the other tagging is OK, I guess I don't get so hung up about what people put in the note or description tag. It's probably some wasted effort anyway: people will probably just look at a business' website or online reviews, rather than notes/descriptions in OSM. |
My first guess was use the http://www.address instead. Looking at the site, IMHO, it’s the right one; it’s not just, one villa, but several. We don’t want to tag them all at the same place. That's not a valid URL.
(21 Nov '14, 18:16)
scai ♦
It might help to give an example. If you don't want to give a real example from OSM (because you don't want to give them any more publicity), you could state the tags used and use an "example" company name and e.g. website.
The example is in the link text
I agree with neuhausr. I don't think the tags will create any new business so I'll close this help and do nothing.