How to tag a construction site that stopped for a long or permament time. In my case the construction stopped for like 10 years ago because financial reasons. The bulidings had been built but they are unfinished. No painting at all and most parts of it doesn't have insulation just bare walls or just the supporting structure. The area is ingrown with weed and only the guard lives there. |
I would use abandoned I think it does not really matter whether the building was actually used or not before being abandoned abandoned:building=yes/house/apartments/... 2
I also thought of " The whole area was
(20 Nov '14, 12:53)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I'll agree with your proposal for the 3 tags. Of course, that is if land is not used for other stuff now. Otherwise other landuse tags could be used.
(20 Nov '14, 16:55)