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First, excuse my (very) bad English ... I’m here to gather some help about map rendering :p

I'm currently trying to make a local tile server with Graphhopper ( router ), and Leaflet.JS ( for interactive maps ). I download the OSM file for the Alsace country ( in France ).

Imported the OSM to a PostGre Database with osm2pgsql, then rendering tiles with mapnik ( zoomlevel 0 to 16 ). Everything worked fines, but ... Mapnik doesn't seems to render all tiles, some parts, but not all.

Here is a sample capture to demonstrate : ( the grey part are the missing tiles ) We can easily find what tiles/coordinates are missing with HTTP sniffing ( for example with the Firefox Dev tools ).

Should I generate tiles with Mapnik and OSM file directly ?

Thank you in advance! :)

asked 19 Nov '14, 02:46

FoxyAntho's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

My first idea is a time-out from your tile server, not a problem in mapnik itself. The time to render a tile varies a lot. We should analyze your config and the logs of the software calling mapnik to see why some tiles are absent (renderd ?). I know there is a timeout configurable and you can also set the quadtile size. This all depends on your machine perfs.
Tu peux aussi contacter la liste de diffusion pour parler avec d'autres devs fr qui ont le même type d'expérience que toi (inscription nécessaire) ou le forum fr.

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answered 19 Nov '14, 09:27

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thanks for your reply :)

I'm not using Renderd but Manpnik to generate tiles files.

Why I know they are a missing : I look-up at Apache logs --> 404 ( not found error ).

(19 Nov '14, 13:24) FoxyAntho

mapnik is generating tiles but apache is not calling mapnik directly. You need a plugin in apache that is checking if tiles have to be (re)rendered and sends a render request to a "mapnik rendering job manager", either done by tirex or renderd deamons. These deamons can drop a render request if it takes too long to serve the tile to the web client. But timeout is configurable. Again, contact the dev or dev-fr mailing lists to get more info. This help site is more for newcomers, not devs.

(19 Nov '14, 13:53) Pieren

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question asked: 19 Nov '14, 02:46

question was seen: 3,420 times

last updated: 19 Nov '14, 13:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum