When I go on the aerial imagery i don't see Bing Sat. Does anyone know what should I do?
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When I go on the aerial imagery i don't see Bing Sat. Does anyone know what should I do?
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question asked: 11 Nov '14, 19:06
question was seen: 3,681 times
last updated: 12 Nov '14, 21:27
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Where do you "go on the aerial imagery"? What do you see instead? Do you mean that you do not see a list?
yes, I don't see the list
Where (which program, website) do you "go on the aerial imagery"? What do you see instead?
Only preferences aerial images
Where? → Which program or website do you use (where you want to see the aerial imagery)?
I use JOSM
One more question - in what location in the world are you trying to edit (i.e. where do you want to see Bing imagery of)?
North Italy
Did it work before? When did it work the last time?
Have you tried clicking on "Imagery Preferences" (from the Imagery drop down menu, top of screen) there you should be able to activate the different layers. In my set up active layers are highlighted green in the lower box.
No, it never work.
yes, I have tried cliking on imagery preferences
When i launch the appication i see : java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException.
What is it?
@Luca Amadio: That is an error which was not caught by the program. What else do you see around those words? I do not get this error when starting JOSM (in a terminal).
Which Java VM and version do you use? Which operating system? Do you have direct Internet access or via a proxy? Does downloading data or GPS traces with JOSM work? It is hard to guess, so please give us more information.
Ok, I see: JOSM has attempted to access the following resources:
However, has failed in the attempt because of the following network problems:
-java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException. Prime size must be multiple of 64, and can only range from 512 to 1024 (inclusive)
@Luca Amadio: are you sure that it is openstreetmapS in your log (did you type or copy&paste)? The S is too much! If the S is in your log - why? Can you open https://josm.openstreetmap.de/maps in your browser (code display or download of a file)?
Where did you download JOSM? Did you change its config?
@Luca Amadio: just by chance: Did you forbid HTTPS certificates which use SHA1? The josm website uses SHA1.
What Log?.
@Luca Amadio: The "Log" where you saw the "InvalidAlgorithmParameterException". But I see that you've edited your comment in the meantime and added details. Thanks. However, please could you copy the full lines. Do not type only a part of them. And, please, answer my questions.
No Problem
Windows 7.