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Hey folks,

trying to apply a changefile on an .OSM extract I get the following problem:

Thread for task 1-read-xml-change failed org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: **Pipeline entities are not sorted or contain multiple versions of a single entity**, previous entity type=Node, id=124287, version=11 current entity type=Node, id=124287, version=12.

I am using the following command to update my OSM file:

osmosis --read-xml-change file="0105-0106.osc" --read-xml file="haiti-100106.osm" --apply-change --write-xml file="haiti-100107.osm" -v5

My question is somehow a duplicate of this question, where the author is able to solve his problem, but I can't figure it out to do the same. As I am not convenient in using the console commands for osmosis, I would greatly appreciate if anyone could correct my code to include the simc task and the sorting of he changefile.

asked 09 Nov '14, 17:06

kartenmalergidi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK, after some trying, failing and trying again, I figured it out. I ended up with the following command that is working:

osmosis --read-xml-change file="0105-0106.osc" --simc --sc --read-xml file="haiti-100106.osm" --apply-change --write-xml file="haiti-100107.osm" -v5 --simc and --sc are added to the command.

The --simc task simplifies the .OSC file. "For example, if an entity is created and modified in a single change file, this task will modify it to be a single create operation with the data of the modify operation." Osmosis - Detailed Usage.

The --sc task sorts the .OSC file in a way that all created nodes, ways, and relations are sorted in one <create>, <modify> or <delete> tag. My OSC. file had multiple tags for each category sorted by their respective timestamp. Maybe this helps other newbies ;)

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answered 14 Nov '14, 15:05

kartenmalergidi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 09 Nov '14, 17:06

question was seen: 7,279 times

last updated: 14 Nov '14, 15:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum