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At the moment, Brunei has only 2 (or 3 if you include my small admin_level=10 boundary additions) admin boundary levels mapped: 1."Country boundary" (admin_level=2) for the country, 2."State boundary" (admin_level=4) for the districts. The capital city (the one and only city) has no boundary and is tagged admin_level=2.

The OSMwiki table at Tag:boundary=administrative page doesn't have Brunei. Looking at closest neighbour Malaysia especially, but also all other countries generally, admin_level=4 for Brunei's districts are wrong. So if I add Brunei to the table, it should probably be something like:

  • admin_level=2 for National Borders
  • admin_level=6 for Districts (Daerahs)
  • admin_level=8 for Subdistricts (Mukims)
  • admin_level=10 for Villages/Towns (Kampongs/Pekans)

And for the one and only City Border, which contains most of the Mukims in Brunei-Muara District (according to Wikipedia), maybe admin_level=7.

Also, some little tips on mapping all these boundaries, which are often not really defined, would be nice. Is it okay if I just estimate/guess based on the positions of rivers/roads/woods between the villages/towns? And then, is it better to place the boundary in the centre of these rivers/roads so 2 neighbouring villages can easily share a single way?

asked 09 Nov '14, 06:34

raito's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

You are talking about brunei darussalam right?

(09 Nov '14, 10:45) iii

Yes. Is there another Brunei somewhere else?

(09 Nov '14, 14:01) raito

boundaries of 2 neighbouring villages always have to share the same way.

(10 Nov '14, 06:12) escada

A boundary is typically a relation. This relation exists of multiple (small) ways (aka lines). Each such way will belong to the boundaries of the villages that it is separating. There are never 2 parallel ways. Look e.g. at any of it's ways will also be part of the boundary of it's neighbours. The will also be reused in case there are subarea or larger areas with the same boundary Please don't use "subarea" as in the provided example

(11 Nov '14, 07:17) escada

have a look at the web service from user wambacher about displaying all boundary relations on the planet in hierarchical order:

There you can investigate how boundary lines and relations are mapped and tagged for other countries.

permanent link

answered 13 Nov '14, 16:44

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 05 Jul '17, 08:17

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

That's a nice link, thanks.

I guess I should first focus more on other things than boundaries. Neighbour Malaysia doesn't even have well developed state boundaries.

(14 Nov '14, 09:26) raito

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question asked: 09 Nov '14, 06:34

question was seen: 3,922 times

last updated: 05 Jul '17, 08:17

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