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I am already desperate, because I am googling for weeks and could not find a working answer in any forum, so I ask on my own. By the way, I am quite new to Mkgmap and this forum.

I want to create a map for my Garmin device based on OSM, which should allow searching for streets etc. At first I downloaded a map from (Sachsen-Anhalt in Germany). After that I was using Splitter, then Osmosis and Mkgmap to get preprocessed bounds, so at the end I could create a gmapsupp.img file with Mkgmap. The code is:

java -jar ../Splitter/splitter.jar --output-dir=Sachsenanhaltkarte Sachsenanhaltkarte/sachsen-anhalt-latest.osm.pbf

osmosis \
    --read-pbf file=Sachsenanhaltkarte/sachsen-anhalt-latest.osm.pbf outPipe.0=data1 \
    --read-pbf file=Sachsenanhaltkarte/sachsen-anhalt-latest.osm.pbf outPipe.0=data2 \
    --tag-filter accept-relations boundary=administrative,postal_code inPipe.0=data1 outPipe.0=6 \
    --used-way inPipe.0=6 outPipe.0=7 \
    --tag-filter reject-relations inPipe.0=data2 outPipe.0=8 \
    --tag-filter accept-ways boundary=administrative,postal_code inPipe.0=8 outPipe.0=9 \
    --used-node inPipe.0=9 outPipe.0=10 \
    --used-node inPipe.0=7 outPipe.0=11 \
    --merge inPipe.0=10 inPipe.1=11 outPipe.0=12 \
    --write-pbf file=Sachsenanhaltkarte/mapboundaries.osm.pbf omitmetadata=true compress=deflate inPipe.0=12

java -cp ./mkgmap-r3316/mkgmap.jar \ \
    Sachsenanhaltkarte/mapboundaries.osm.pbf \

java -jar mkgmap-r3316/mkgmap.jar \
    --output-dir=./Sachsenanhaltkarte \
    --route \
    --add-pois-to-areas \
    --bounds=./Sachsenanhaltkarte/bounds \
    --index \
    --gmapsupp \

All this code is from walkthroughs on the web. When I transfer the created gmapsupp.img-file to the Garmin-directory of my devices SD-card, I can use the map as I want. But when I search for streets, only some can be found (for example in "Dessau-Rosslau": only "Am Beckerbruch", no other road seems to exist in this town).

I have no idea what might be the problem. My OS is OpenSuse 13.1, the code is used in the bash shell, all programs are not older than 4 months (the time when I began to struggle with Mkgmap), java should be up-to-date, my device is a Garmin Oregon 600.

Can someone please help me?

asked 08 Nov '14, 16:30

Kardoffl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Still no solution... Seems like noone has ever encountered that problem, and noone knows how to solve it?

(20 Nov '14, 19:59) Kardoffl

The boundaries in the Sachsenanhalt pbf are probably incomplete. You could make it yourself a lot easier by skipping the whole process of creating boundary data by downloading the complete world boundary set from mkgmap:

permanent link

answered 09 Nov '14, 14:02

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Thank you for the answer. But I just tested it, the result did not change.

Could it be that I downloaded a buggy version of mkgmap? I already tried a map directly from the export function of OSM, and exactly the same streets appear while the others cannot be found.

(09 Nov '14, 19:22) Kardoffl

I am not familiar with the town, but when you try a ready made garmin suitable from one of the many providers such as are more streets found.

permanent link

answered 08 Nov '14, 23:27

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 08 Nov '14, 23:42


Thank you, with that page I will have working maps in the meantime while trying to compile my own maps.

(09 Nov '14, 19:26) Kardoffl

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question asked: 08 Nov '14, 16:30

question was seen: 7,080 times

last updated: 20 Nov '14, 19:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum