Is there any way to buy all the tiles from openstreetmap/mapnik instead of downloading. |
You can't buy tiles from OpenStreetMap (we don't provide paid-for services) and the Tile Usage Policy expressly prohibits you downloading them all. You may be able to find a commercial provider who will do this for you. The list at is a good start. Bear in mind that "all the tiles" - every zoom level for the whole world - would require an unimaginably vast amount of storage. Alternatively, you can download the data from OSM and create the tiles yourself. Again, is the best resource for getting started. 2
In addition to storage, at 10 tiles per second "all tiles" (to z19) would take over 1161 years to render (this includes the ocean ones).
(07 Nov '14, 16:13)
EdLoach ♦
or in other words, with 5 metatiles per second and rendering "only" until zoom 18 and using 10 servers like this, you'd be done in 10 months, ending up with 2/3 of all your tiles being blue ocean tiles ;-)
(12 Nov '14, 13:58)
Essentially, there are many different solutions depending on what you plan on doing. If you expand on your requirements, more specific answers can be given