For example we have a medical university campus where there are buildings that are hospital buildings (too). I would map the university buildings as Are there good mapping examples in this topic? |
Also see our docu wiki for those tags: hospital and university, of course. 2
@totymedli: thanks, I have tried to clarify. Maybe someone else finds a good example. The ones I have found are university hospitals but are neither inside the general university area nor associated with one by a relation (example, which also has many amenity=hospital, which is not really according to one feature, one element). However, that's not a rule. As there are very few "rules" in the OSM world in general. I have added a drawing, hope that helps. If not … maybe I have understood your question wrongly.
(03 Nov '14, 22:08)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I'm not sure if this is what aseerel4c26 is saying or not, but in the case of a university hospital that is separated from the rest of the university campus, you could tag the way amenity=hospital, then add that way to a amenity=university relation
(04 Nov '14, 14:17)
@neuhausr: Thank you. That's nearly what I am saying or, at least, meaning, yes. Contrary to your assumption, I assumed (see my image) that the hospital campus is not separate from the rest of the university campus. The geographic constellation is not that clear in the question.
(04 Nov '14, 17:28)
aseerel4c26 ♦