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Lets say I have a landuse like a farm or just an area with religious use. In its border there is a wall or fence and that is the border of the area itself. How should I map it? I came up with 3 possible solutions:

  • Place the tag on the landuse itself.
  • Create a new line that shares the nodes of the area and tag this line.
  • Create a new line along the area borders in a way that they are really close but don't share borders and tag this line.

asked 03 Nov '14, 08:20

UntaggedWay's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would draw the land use boundary and tag it with the appropriate land use tags.
I would then draw the fence/wall boundary reusing the same nodes, where convenient, because the landuse boundary and boundaryfence/wall are normallly aligned the same, leaving gaps where the entrances and entrance ways are and tag each as a type of barrier such as a wall or fence. Then tag the service ways or paths or gates/entrances.
Each entity is able to be edited separately later.
However i never use a way (road or path) to define part of a landuse boundary anymore as it often is more difficult to edit later, often a later edit breaks a polygon or relation and also generally the land use does not reach to the way in real life but there is a bit of a buffer between the two.

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answered 03 Nov '14, 10:44

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 03 Nov '14, 11:06

Fourth option: Draw a line around the thing and tag it to be a fence. Then create a multipolygon with one outer ring (the line you've drawn) and tag that to be a landuse area. That gives you a nice separation and it makes sense logically - there's an area and it is bounded by a fence.

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answered 03 Nov '14, 11:28

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%


Can you explain the purpose of the multipolygon relation? Your suggested solution is perfectly valid of course, but it seems to make things just more complicated than necessary.

(03 Nov '14, 12:40) scai ♦

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question asked: 03 Nov '14, 08:20

question was seen: 5,575 times

last updated: 03 Nov '14, 18:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum