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I've just downloaded Garmin Basecamp so that I can plan motorcycle routes around UK and Europe but I can only see a map with all the roads on it if I plug my BMW Navigator V (Garmin) in to my USB. The map that comes with Basecamp only has major roads on it. I have found and imported a kmz file with more detail but it is still limited with a lot of small roads missing. I would like to be able to download a detailed road map of UK, hopefully in kmz format, so that I can plan routes without having to remove my GPS from my bike and plug it into my computer. I don't need to be able to transfer the map to my device. Is this possible please?

asked 02 Nov '14, 11:07

Dicky88's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(04 Nov '14, 18:59) andy mackey

You could install a OSM-based map into BaseCamp (use the installer supplied from some map makers or import a gmapsupp.img somehow). See OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Download for a list of pre-made maps.

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answered 02 Nov '14, 13:00

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 02 Nov '14, 13:01

I am not familiar with that device but if it stores .img files get one from here I have used .kmzs on my Garmin Oregon 450 which are fine for small areas but I also have a large .img of western Europe which I am very pleased with. I Downloaded it primarily for the device but it works on Basecamp from a memory stick. It is convenient to have the same map view able on both platforms in my experience. A limited range of Garmins will display .KMZ a file see

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answered 02 Nov '14, 13:07

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 04 Nov '14, 11:15

Same problem but here's the answer. I wanted more detailed maps so I downloaded a map from Then I opened up the back of the Nav 5 and removed the memory card. I dropped the the .img file from on the memory card making sure the file name doesn't clash with the original maps. When you fire up the Nav 5 again it scans the memory card and loads all the maps, same thing in Basecamp. I'm used to doing this with my Garmin cycle computer, works a treat and saves a fortune. Enjoy

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answered 11 Mar '17, 09:28

ralphmullan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Mar '17, 09:29

You can solve some of these problems by making a virtual image on your computer

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answered 11 Mar '17, 13:14

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 11 Mar '17, 13:15

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question asked: 02 Nov '14, 11:07

question was seen: 6,207 times

last updated: 11 Mar '17, 13:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum