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i live in Nigeria, which does have postal codes. There are two alternatives if you want to upload them either buy ($1200) in shape files from a German firm GM Marketing or look them up from the Postal Code book which costs N700 (Naira) about $4.30 and try making administrative boundaries for them. How can one make them on OSM, if I had a copy of the postal code book?

asked 01 Nov '14, 07:56

user_2440's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Before you even embark down this path you should check that the information in question is available on terms that would legally allow the data to be included in OSM. Given that is extremely unlikely in the case of the shape files you mention, this boils down to contacting the publisher of the postal code book and asking for permission (assuming that there is unlikely going to be any other way of determing this).

Back to the technicalities; how fine grain is the information in the book? Per settlement, per road? (please add this information to your original question)

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answered 01 Nov '14, 09:41

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 01 Nov '14, 10:30

In the Nigerian Postal Code Book it is by Road, Settlement and either by ward ( 4th tier administration) like Neighborhood or group of neighborhoods or Districts. On OSM, a lot of existing roads in Nigeria are missing, so i intend to start with those Places where there are roads that delineate districts and settlements.

(01 Nov '14, 19:50) user_2440

As @SimonPoole says you will need permission. For a long time in the UK we had no open source of postcodes, so you may need to use some of the methods we used: when displayed by a business or shop, on advertising copy such as hand bills (but not robotic extracts from web sites), crowdsourcing, receipts, asking people (for instance when buying things). A quick look suggests nothing useful in current open data sets, but things can change quickly, so keep an eye on the portals.

Even with open data we have less than 10% mapped: so it can be a big task. (UK postcode granularity is very fine).

(02 Nov '14, 15:32) SK53 ♦

This is the sort of open dataset I would hope to find postcodes from (it doesn't look as if it has them) (Edo State Directory of Patient Medicine Shops)

(02 Nov '14, 15:35) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 01 Nov '14, 07:56

question was seen: 4,376 times

last updated: 02 Nov '14, 15:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum