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Hello, I am new to the help forum and fairly new to OSM. I have a question regarding what appears to be inaccurate information and how to change it. While trying to search for an address on, I discovered that some of the information is incorrect. The area in question can either be referred to Santa Maria, CA or Orcutt, CA. Here’s an example:

Actual Address: 501 Ferndale Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93455

Alternate Address: 501 Ferndale Drive, Orcutt, CA 93455


SEARCH: 501 Ferndale Drive, Santa Maria, CA 93455

RESULT: No results found

SEARCH: 501 Ferndale Drive, Orcutt, CA 93455

RESULT: No results found

SEARCH: 501 Ferndale Drive, Santa Maria

RESULT: No results found

Search: 501 Ferndale Drive, Orcutt

RESULT: No results found

SEARCH: 501 Ferndale Drive, 93455

RESULT: Ferndale Drive, Del Cielo Mobile Estates, Santa Barbara County, California, 93455, United States of America

With the results, it shows that 501 Ferndale Drive is located in Del Cielo Mobile Estates; this is not correct. There is a mobile home park near Ferndale Drive call Del Cielo Mobile Estates but it is a separate sub-development and is still a part of Santa Maria, CA or Orcutt, CA

ALL streets in this area yield the same result. If someone is searching through for a house in the area that Ferndale Drive is located, they will not be able to find it unless they know the postal code because the city is not associated with any of the streets in the area.

I believe this is due to the import of tiger data that may be outdated or inaccurate. Can someone please help me correct this problem? I don’t want to delete the entire area and start from the beginning as much work has already been done in the area.

Thanks for your time.


asked 29 Oct '14, 23:08

duphii's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Oct '14, 13:41

neuhausr's gravatar image


While there is problematic data due to the TIGER import, I believe this is not the case here.

Del Cieli Mobile Estates is tagged as a "hamlet" see and you can see a whole bunch of streets asscociated with it. In general you will get the best results if the border polygons are available for the areas, in the case of nodes nominatim essentially has to "guess" how large the associated areas are. Naturally using hamlet for the trailer park is likely wrong in any case.

Both Orcutt and Santa Maria are place nodes without associated administrative boundaries, so as said above it boils down to guessing.

To fix it properly you should see if you can find boundary polygons for the cities/towns in question and add them to the data. I would however suggest discussing this on the talk-us mailing list, I'm sure somebody there can point you to the right place and potentially help with fixing the problem.

permanent link

answered 30 Oct '14, 00:12

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 30 Oct '14, 00:19

@SimonPoole, Thanks for the quick response. After reading your response and looking at the link you gave, I decided to risk removal of the Del Cielo Mobile Estates "hamlet" marker entirely, as I agree with your assessment that it is not a hamlet, by definition. This took care of the problem and now all of the streets that were previously only searchable by using "Santa Barbara" or "Del Cielo" as mentioned in my OP are now searchable by using Santa Maria, as they should be! Thanks Again!

(30 Oct '14, 20:31) duphii

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question asked: 29 Oct '14, 23:08

question was seen: 3,722 times

last updated: 30 Oct '14, 20:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum