I've been trying to add some buildings (shops) in my local town to improve the coverage a bit. As this is my first edit I'm not really sure what I'm doing so I wanted to check that I'm not doing something wrong. I created the buildings using iD and based the details I entered on an area of Bristol that looked similar (here). The buildings are showing up on the map data view (here), but aren't being rendered on the "standard" renderer. They have appeared on the "Humanitarian" renderer. I've tried refreshing the tile by visiting http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/18/129356/86965.png/dirty but that doesn't seem to make a difference. As far as I can see, there aren't any significant differences between a simple building like this one (which is rendered) and the bank that I added here: everything I've read about this has suggested that the important thing is to have the building:yes tag, which both have. Am I just being impatient or is there something that I've missed? Thanks for the help. |
I think there have been some rendering server issues today. Your buildings look OK. I'd check again tomorrow. Okay, thanks for the quick response. I'll confirm once I've checked tomorrow.
(29 Oct '14, 17:55)